Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rock'n Out

My husband finally found the outdoor rock climbing place in Deagu that he's been looking for. He had already found an indoor climbing club but they're only open during the week; lot of good that does us. So yesterday we went out to World Cup Stadium to check the place out. Dean fell asleep on the way there so we left him in the car (don't freak out and call CPS on us, it was no more than 10 feet away and we left the door open so we could see and hear him). My husband, who has been talking about rock climbing for months on end now, did a little bit of bouldering. Johnny, on the other hand, tore up and down the bouldering wall at least 30 times and at several points was at least 50 feet in the air. Don't worry, he was at all times attached to a rope and the floor is padded. At only w2,000 per adult and children climbing for free it's a pretty good bet that we'll be out there as often as time and the weather will allow. Oh, and if you're taking photos and not climbing you don't have to pay either. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Please get off your brother's head

So yea, I have boys. That pretty much sums it up, but in case you don't also have boys please allow me to elaborate...

So earlier today while I'm sitting at the computer editing photos and feeding my facebook addiction, Johnny and Dean are tearing through the house with the Murdock our jindo puppy (6 months). It goes something like this:

Me: "Johnny. Dean. Stop running in the house, you're going to slip and hurt yourselves."
Boys: <Continue Running>
Me: "You better not come crying to me when you slip and bust your head."

2 seconds later...SMACK!
Johnny: "MOMMY!" (crying)
Me: "Yes Johnny?"
Johnny: "I hit my head on the wall."
Me: "Ummm yea, good job son. I told you to stop running or you were going to hurt yourself. I don't see any blood and it's not swollen so you're on your own. Go play."

2 seconds later...
Sounds of children laughing hysterically while jumping on the bed.

And that's just a typical weekday afternoon.

If I didn't know any better I would completely subscribe to the idea that the true father of my children is Evil Kenevil. Johnny broke his foot when he was only 3, Dean has had to go to the ER because he stuck a peanut up his nose...not to mention the countless concussions, cuts, bruises, goose eggs...oh yea, and Dean's chipped tooth (don't ask)...all I have to say is good thing I'll be finishing my nursing degree soon cause I'm gonna need it. Lets not even get into how often my husband hurts himself, that's a whole other posting on its own.

Because of all this I've become one of "those" parents. You know what I'm talking about: you see them walking through the grocery store and their 3 year old trips and smacks his forehead on the tile and the only thing the parent does is continue reading the label for the cereal box they're holding while telling the child to "get up, you've done worse."

*I just said the words "Johnny, put the chair down." Let me add that to the list of "things I never thought would come out of my mouth." But I digress.

Yes, if you have boys you can probably relate and may in fact also be one of "those" parents that everyone else thinks in an insensitive jerk that doesn't care that their child just fell off the jungle gym and is now crying with a cut on their elbow. In reality, it's not that I don't care cause it's my kid and of course I care, it's just that if I got all worked up every time they fell down, got a cut, stubbed a toe, etc. I would never do anything else with my life! And if you don't believe me you are more than welcome to babysit them for a few hours while I go for a run and then go chill at Starbucks.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peer pressure and the status quo

I've been told by several people that I should start a blog; apparently my life is interesting or something. Besides, everyone seems to have a bog now days, and if everyone else is doing it shouldn't I do it to? Go ahead, give in to the status quo...

I don't think my life is all that interesting; I don't have the drama in my life like Paris Hilton or that Lohan chick. Right now I'm sitting in my dining room/living room (gotta love military housing), drinking a cup of coffee while my boys watch Sesame Street on AFN. Pretty standard stuff if you ask me.

(If you know me you can probably skip the next two paragraphs)
I suppose at this point I should explain a little about the facts of my life. I'm a former soldier, now Army wife living with my husband, two boys (ages 2 and 4.5) and two dogs in South Korea. I've been a dog trainer, personal trainer, school administrator, cashier, photography assistant, secretary, semi-pro MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter and a soldier in the US Army Reserves. I hold a Bachelor of Business Administration and am working toward a double Bachelor in Nursing and Psychology that will hopefully turn into Master's degrees somewhere down the line.

I suppose that brings us to today; I divide my time between my family, church, studying, photography, and teaching at the gym. I'm an avid runner so you'll probably read a lot of boring stuff about sore ITBs and how many miles I've logged for the day or week. There will probably be a lot of boring stuff about potty training and tantrums, too. That's pretty much it I suppose.

So there it is, I've given in and now officially have a bog. Now I need to go clean my house (a never ending string of tasks) and spend a little time with my kids before church tonight.