Most women never take a professional photo of themselves (without children or husbands) after high school! There is often the "after I loose 10 lbs." or "after the kids are out of the house" or "that's too much money to spend on just myself" or worst "I'm not photogenic/pretty enough" mentality.
My Beauty Campaign is here to break down those barriers and show women everywhere, of every age and body shape that they ARE beautiful. You don't have to be a size 0, 90 lb model to have a beautiful photo of yourself. EVERYONE has aspects of their physical appearance that they don't like, for example: my nose is crooked, I have small boobs (yep, I said it and it's true), I have bad skin and no curves (I was called bean pole in school). It's ok to have things about yourself that you don't like.
Part of your My Beauty Campaign is about identifying what you DO love about yourself. I personally love my eyes and my hands. Odd, but after years of playing piano I truly love my hands. They are also the first hands to hold my children after they were born and the hands that held on to my husband's when we said our wedding vows. If I can find something to love about myself, I'm sure you can too.
TRUE BEAUTY isn't just about the outside though, it's about what on the inside that makes you beautiful. In photography it is often said that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. The beauty that is within your soul will shine through.
Don't wait to loose that 10 lbs or until after your hair grows it now! Your husband will love it, your children will love it, your extended family will love it, but most of all YOU'LL love it. It'll change your life.
The journey begins at home with the pre-session homework (this isn't easy, but it's VERY rewarding). Before you ever step in front of the camera you should have completed you homework and at least be on the way to truly believing that you are beautiful; the session itself will help solidify this truth and when you finally see the photos...well, there's no denying it - YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
For more inforamtion about the My Beauty Campaign please visit
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