Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm about to loose my mind!

So really, when I don't get to run I start to go a little nuts. I can't seem to focus for anything - I need my cardio! Made plans to go run at the gym since it's 30 degrees outside and windy, too cold for the kids in the stroller, but of course that's the night the hubby has to work until who knows when. UGH! So I've been sitting here working...got some great stuff done but I'm so anxious that I can barely stand it! 

 I'm just about ready to get the kids dressed and go drop them off at the husband's office for two hours...on the plus side I had some totally awesome session this weekend! So many great photos I just can't seem to edit them fast enough. I try to aim for a one week or less turn around time so that I don't get too back logged with photos to work on.

Seems like each session I do becomes my new favorite. Such beautiful families. I'm lucky in that I get to see people at their very best - all dressed up and grinning from ear to ear. I get to take photos of adorable babies and then give them back to their parents when they start crying or poop! It's really great!

So the kids are totally driving me nuts. Must...leave...house...must...go...run...

Maybe after I run I can write a blog with complete sentences and thoughts!

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