Another long weekend full of photography. Managed to get in over 10 miles of running this week which makes me happy (and much less scary for my family). I must admit that I am really looking forward to only having one session next weekend instead of the four I've been averaging. It'll be a good break before December kicks in. So here's what I've been working on so far this weekend...
Right now there's this buzzing in my head. I need more hours in the day to get everything done. It's the most wonderful time of the year and also the craziest. Between boyscouts, photography, the kids, the husband, the dogs, running, school, the gym, and all the additional stuff that happens this time of year like balls, parties and other mandatory fun I don't feel like I have enough time to do it all. Running is the only thing that keeps me sane and even that has begun to feel like just another "thing" I have to do.
Because you have to do the things you have to do. At least this year we opted out of the Christmas Cantata and all that other stuff that just means more appointments and less time together as a family. I suppose that's what bugs me the most: this time of year is suppose to be about family, about togetherness, but it ends up being about how much "stuff" you can fit in to your schedule to maximize the enjoyment and experience of the holidays. Of course this maximization that seems to be such an American trait (I blame the Democrats for this), means we end up frustrated and annoyed with each other instead of joyful and fulfilled.
So this year I'm cutting back - no big Thanksgiving meal, no cantata, no excessive shopping for things that we and our family doesn't need, no agreeing to do things that are going to be time consuming or take away from spending time with my boys. By minimizing the "stuff" I will be maximizing my enjoyment of the holidays, because all I REALLY want for Christmas is time with my family.
Of course, even with all my minimizing I still feel overwhelmed with "stuff". Hopefully the Thanksgiving weekend will be relaxing and give me a chance to recharge. I'm very blessed to have a husband that allows me my much needed me time (which usually means time for a run sans jogging stroller laden with kids) and helps out around the house so I have less to do and more time with my boys. I can't thank God enough for him. And that's really what this is about - thanking God for my beautiful family, amazing husband and enough time/energy/ability to accomplish all the "stuff" I have to do with enough time for what I really want to do - spend time with my family.
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