Monday, January 3, 2011

Snow and sore knees

I'm really disappointed that the snow is already almost completely melted. Not that I enjoy being cold, or even worse, cold and wet, but I was hoping to get some more photos of the snow. Luckily Dean decided to take a nap this afternoon so I had some time to put my ipod on with some Sugarland and got to work on this photo:
 I edited this one with some omni lighting and a vintage + soft and faded action(s). I try to leave my photos as SOOC as I can but when you take photos at night with just your camera, a flashlight and what little ambient lighting there may be...well, you get the point.

I decided, while looking at the top photo, I wanted something a little more dramatic. Photos of snow just always look good in black and white (to me at least) so that's what I did.
I still don't know which photo I prefer.

Here is the SOOC image:

Very red, very dark. RAW is such a wonderful thing...

So what do I REALLY want to do right now? I have the urge to hike Apsan and take photos of the temples and trees covered in snow. There's no way it's melting up there. But that's a long, cold walk...

One of the things I dislike about winter (besides being cold) is that I can't just walk out the door and go for a run. I also can't put the boys in the jogging stroller to go for a run because even though I'll warm up they'll still be cold in the stroller. Plus, the cold really makes my knees hurt (remind me to send the Army a thank you note). It's pretty warm out today, hence the snow melting, so I might just suck it up and go for a quick 2 miler later with the dogs.

So it's a new year and time for resolutions. I usually don't make any because in the end things really arn't up to me, they're up to God (and the US Army). But this year I do have to things I want to accomplish in addition to my running goals of the Army 10 Miler and the SA Half marathon.

I want to start waking up earlier in the morning to make my husband and kids breakfast.

I'm going to work on this blog more and not let weeks go between posts; besides, it seems to help keep my creative juices flowing.

I am going to spend more time with my kids and less time doing housework and other stuff that just doesn't matter as much at the end of the day. The husband can pick up the slack.

I'm going to take advantage of the few months we have left in Korea and take as many photos as I can. This has been a great experience for us and I haven't taken advantage of it photographically.

I think that's it. Simple stuff but mostly just reorganizing my priorities.

On a side note, I just found my tennis shoes that I've been looking for all day under my computer desk. Guess that's a sign I need to go for a run.


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