Friday, January 28, 2011

A few more photos

Desperately want to go to the Herb Medicine Market here in Daegu but its too darn cold! Ugh. Maybe we'll just bundle up and brave it anyway. Since I've been limited by the weather I've been working on some older photos that I hadn't had time to edit.

This is one of my new favorites. Finally got around to trying out silhouettes and I must say that it worked out rather nicely. This is a Catholic Church in Daegu very near the Protestant one in the next photos.

Daegu is just so beautiful with so many different textures and colors! I love it so much I just can't seem to take photos fast enough!

So the sun has come out but the high is still only supposed to be in the 20s. Can't wait till spring at this point. I have several sessions pending better weather that I am really looking forward to. And it would be really nice to take the kids down to the playground now that they are old enough that I could sit there with a book instead of following Dean around to make sure he doesn't fall off something and break his arm. 


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A whole new world

I've done it and all by myself too! Well, I did have a little help from some online tutorials but it was mostly trial and error. To make a long story short (which is actually not a long story, but it makes for a good segway) I have entered the world of custom storyboards.

I am totally loving this! Opens up a whole new service to my clients. I had been meaning to figure this out for a while, but just never had the time. 

 I am really just having way too much fun with this! I need a little fun right now since I've spent the afternoon alone with two sick kids while sick myself. Same 'ol stomach bug that seems to go around post every couple of months. One of the few things I will not miss about Korea!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Men take good photos too

Went rock climbing (it was FREEZING!) with the family this past weekend and my husband got to touch my Canon. He's actually not too bad especially considering that the lighting was horrible down in th little basement we were in. 

I'm going to have to start letting him hold my camera more often...

Then we went out to check out this temple that I've been staring at from afar since we moved to Camp George. How do you get there? Ask my husband.

 I just love Korea with all the different textures and colors. I have so many more photos to post, but these were my favorites. We also took some photos of local churches (yes we, the husband used the Pentax and got some really good shots). I took these for the MCP week three "shades of grey theme", it was cold and grey outside and then I did some black and white on them. 

This is the original SOOC.

I am in love with actions! Above is the 70s action and the Black and White action. Love it! More photos to come soon. 


Monday, January 10, 2011

So many options, so little time

One of the best (and worst depending on how you look at it) things about photoshop, or any post production software, is that there are so many options on how to edit a photo. There's the obvious of just cleaning up the image a bit, doing a little cropping, maybe a little color boost and then you're done. Or you can get creative and try and antique look...or a retro look...or a black and white...or a tonal...or...there's just too many options sometimes. I ran into this problem again today while editing some photos. Can't decide which is my favorite and probably never will. Which one is your favorite?

 Black and White with a little pop.
 Heartland action from
 Soft and faded also from
And the original with just a little boost.

I've really been into black and white lately as well as more of an antique or vintage look. 

But I think I've been sitting in front of the computer too long today and need to go for a run. Plus, the boys are starting to go a little nuts so I think it's time they got out of the house too. 


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Messin' 'round

Started the MCP 52 week photo challenge and so far so good. ( The first week was round the house: 
Yes, my Christmas tree was up until Jan. 4th. 

This week is a photo that reflect a song. I picked American Soldier by Toby Keith. Kinda helps that I have an American Soldier living in the house!

Can't wait to see what next week's theme is! I'm really having fun with this and it's a great excuse to take a bunch of photos outside of my scheduled sessions. 


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some of the best

I told you the best was yet to come and I wasn't lying. Here are some more stunning shots of Mrs. Cynthia (the shots are stunning because she's stunning, not because my photos are stunning just want to get that one straight). It's a lot of fun when your subjects make it easy for you.


Tropic Thunda!

So I had the brilliant idea of putting camo face pant all over my kids for photos "Army Style". It actually worked out pretty well (except that the face paint doesn't like to come off, so consequently Dean looks like he just came out of a war zone with all his paint and scars). Dean wasn't too into the photo part of the experience, he just liked getting messy. Johnny, on the other hand, is my little Zoolander.

I think I have a future model on my hands...


The best it yet to come...

Had a GREAT shoot today! The SOOC images are so good I barely have to do anything to them. 

I also got to do Cynthia's photos. Here's a quick look, there's lots more to come. =)

As I said, many more to come. 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Scatterbrainedness. Oh yea, it's a word.

Photo sessions are picking back up and spring semester is on the horizon. Makes me wonder where my "break" went. Doesn't feel like I got a break. I still feel as busy and scatterbrained as ever. Maybe that's more just a state of being at the phase of my life as opposed to being the result of a hectic lifestyle.

I did get to go run 5k last night, that helped the scatterbrainedness. Of course today Dean has been screaming his head off and throwing tantrums left and right so I'm back to where I started. On a shocking note, it's 1300 and I just picked my husband up from work. I suppose barging into a meeting with his 1st SGT to bring him his lunch had an impact; the "he's been working through lunch and still not getting off till after 1800 (lots later) for three month now, what gives?" impact. Being a civilian is fun.

I am truly looking forward to my photo sessions this weekend. I have three and they are all friends of mine - two girlfriends from church and one of those friend's daughter. I've taken lots of photos of Annette and now I get to take her cheer-leading photos! In case you don't remember Annette, she's too pretty for words and consequently my future daughter-in-law (she's Johnny's girl).

So I am greatly looking froward to working with her again. Plus, I've been trying to get her mother in front of my camera for months! The other session involves a dog so I'm sure it'll be a hoot. Can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can do more natural light shots. 

I suppose I should get to my long laundry list of things to do now. Grocery shopping, taking the kids for shots (yuck!), post office, seamstress, and cooking for church tonight. Probably shouldn't have "wasted" time in front of the computer, but I won't tell if you wont. 
